Aaron Gerding

Alumnus of reichlab.io in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


I build, evaluate, and combine (mainly probabilistic) forecasts of the incidence and outcomes of infectious diseases.

My work has been anchored by the goal of understanding and formalizing how forecasts can be structured and presented to best support adaptive public health policy. In order for epidemiogical forecasting to lead to policy that is both just and effective, I see it as crucial that operational statistical methodologies retain a special focus on those populations with the lowest social and political visibility.

Previously I studied the differential geometry of surfaces immersed in space forms from the perspective of integrable systems theory and explored information geometry while transitioning to data science.

selected publications

  1. Evaluating infectious disease forecasts with allocation scoring rules
    Aaron Gerding, Nicholas G Reich, Benjamin Rogers, and Evan L Ray
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, Dec 2024